
MATH 6702

   Date    Chapter.Section/Topics   or   Page/Problems

M  Jan 6    Lecture 1: Introduction: ordinary derivatives 
            Assignment 1 Due Friday January 24
W    8      Lecture 2: convexity
M   13      Lecture 3: partial derivatives
	    Assignment 2 Due Friday January 31	    
W   15	    Lecture 4: partial derivatives and
	               the structure of ordinary differential equations
M   20      Holiday
	    Assignment 3 Due Friday Febuary 7
W   22      cold/snow day
M   27      Lecture 5: ordinary differential equations and
	               partial differential equations
	    Assignment 4 Due Friday Febuary 21
W   29      Lecture 6: clean up day...
                       higher order ODE and systems
	               axially symmetric solutions of Laplace's equation
	               questions---asking your own questions
M Feb 3     Lecture 7: Green's function(s) and integration
	    Assignment 5 Due Friday Febuary 28
W    5      Lecture 8: Convolution with a fundamental solution
M   10      Lecture 9: Regularity for convolution integrals
W   12      Lecture 10: Laplacian of convolution with the fundamental solution
	    Assignment 6 Due Friday March 14
M   17      Lecture 11: Laplacian of convolution with the fundamental solution (continued)
W   19      Lecture 12: 


M March 17  Holiday
W March 19  Holiday


	    ============Tentative Due Dates=============


	    Assignment 7 Due Friday March 28
	    Assignment 8 Due Friday April 4
	    Assignment 9 Due Friday April 11


F April 25  Final Exam 11:20-2:10
	    Final Assignment Due Friday April 25




	    =====================Old Schedule Spring 2023======================

            Assignment 2 Due Wednesday February 1
            Assignment 3 = Exam 1 Due Wednesday February 8
W   18      Lecture 3: differentiability and continuity
M   23      Lecture 4: multivariable power series
            Assignment 4 Due Wednesday February 15
W   25                  Lecture 5: 
            Assignment 5 Due Wednesday February 22
M   30      Lecture 6: continuous (partial) differentiability (C^1) implies continuity
            Assignment 6 = Exam 2 Due Wednesday March 1
W  Feb 1    Lecture 7:  Full differentiability for functions of several variables
                        modeling the slinky (preliminaries---step zero)
M    6      Lecture 8:  What we didn't do: 
                        continuous (partial) differentiability implies full differentiability  
                        modeling the slinky (preliminaries)
                        What we actually did: 
                        Directional derivatives, parameterized curves, and 
                        first order PDE (also a review of ODE) 
W    8      Lecture 9:  What we didn't do: 
                        First Order Quasilinear PDE
                        Method of Characteristics
                        What we actually did: 
                        Started talking about integration...along with 
                        weak derivatives and compactly supported functions 
M   13      Lecture 10: smooth compactly supported functions 
                        and hopefully some PDE
            Assignment 7 Due Wednesday March 8
W   15      Lecture 11: Lagrange multipliers (graphs, level sets, parameterized curves, etc.)
            Slinky data (coil measurements) taken so far (Mathematica notebook) 
            Slinky data  (coil measurements) taken so far (pdf format) 
M   20      Lecture 12: no lecture
            Assignment 8 Due Wednesday March 15
W   22      Lecture 13: d'Alembert's solution via the method of characteristics
            Assignment 9 Due Wednesday March 29
M   27      Lecture 14: Integration (definition)
W  Mar 1    Lecture 15: Integration (Fubini's theorem and change of variables)
            Assignment 10 Due Wednesday April 5
M    6      Lecture 16: Special integrands 
                        The divergence and the divergence theorem  
            Assignment 11 Due Wednesday April 12
W    8      Lecture 17: Derivation of the heat equation(s)
M   13      Lecture 18: Philosophy and integration
            Assignment 12 Due Wednesday April 17
W   15      Lecture 19: canceled (?) 
M   20      Spring Break
W   22      Spring Break 
M   27      Lecture 19: Laplace's equation
                        Derivation via calculus of variations
            Assignment 13 Due Wednesday April 22
W   29      Lecture 20: 
M  Apr 3    Lecture 21: Calculus of variations
W    5      Lecture 23: 
M   10      Lecture 24: 
W   12      Lecture 25: 
            Final Assignment Due Wednesday May 3
M   17      Lecture 26: 
W   19      Lecture 27: 
M   24      Lecture 28 (last lecture):  
F  Apr 28   Final Exam 11:20-2:10
Th May 4    Game Over