How to make your bed this fall (out in your lawn):

1. Weed
2. Double-Dig
3. Weed Again
4. Add Fertilizer

Winter Vegetable Spacing:

Beets: 4"
Cabbage: 10"
Carrots: 3"
Cauliflower: 15"
*Chard: 8" (Bright Lights)
*Kale: 15" (Red Russian)
*Lettuce: 10" (Red Sails, Morrel of 4 Seasons, Salad Bowl,...
*Mustard: 6" (Osaka Red)
*Parsley: 5" (Italian)
*Radishes: 2" (Cherry Bell, French Breakfast)
Spinach: 6"
Turnips: 4"
* indicates that these have been successful locally

Seed Sources:

Johnny's Selected Seeds: (207) 437-4301,
Territorial Seed Co.: (541) 942-9547,
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply: (888) 784-1722,
Seeds of Change: (888) 762-7333,

Local Organic Fertilizer:

Country Gardens, 1415 Euharlee Rd. SW, Kingston, GA 30145, (770) 386-6556
(Organic Fertilizers: Kelp meal, fish emulsion, composted manure)

Recommended Reading:

Four-Season Harvest by Elliot Coleman
How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons

Bed Layout Worksheet