How to make your lazy bed this spring (out in your lawn):
1. Loosen weeds
2. Break soil up
3. Add organic material
4. Add compost and fertilizer
5. Water
6. Cover with paper or cardboard
7. Cover with straw
8. Plant seedling or big seed
9. Water
Spring Vegetable Spacing:
Tomatoes 24"
Bush beans 4"-6""
Radishes 2"
Bush summer squash 24"
Seed Sources:
Johnny's Selected Seeds: (207) 437-4301,
Territorial Seed Co.: (541) 942-9547,
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply: (888) 784-1722,
Seeds of Change: (888) 762-7333,
Local Organic Fertilizer:
Country Gardens, 3728 Lower Fayetteville Rd, Newnan, GA (770)251-2673
(Organic Fertilizers: Kelp meal, fish emulsion, composted manure)
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