Special Topics: Putnam Exam Study Course

MATH 4802

Thursday Meetings 5:00-6:55, 255 Skiles
Office: Skiles 209
Office hours TTh 11:00-12:00 or by appointment
mccuangt23 proton.me
Course Page: http://www.math.gatech.edu/~mccuan/courses/4802/

Main Text:

Putnam and Beyond by Gelca and Andrescu

Exam Archive (plus other materials): Putnam Archive

Link to sign up to take the Exam: Saturday December 3, 2022

Grading Scheme:

show up, particpate = pass
do not participate = fail

Meeting Schedule and Record

Additional Materials 2024:

Meeting Notes

Problem A1, Putnam Exam 2022

If you have suggestions for improvements to this course site or you did not find/could not access something that you should have been able to, send mail to gatechputnam proton.me