Mathematical Capillarity
MATH 4803 and 8803
Fall 2024
MW 2:00-3:15 PM, Skiles Room 271
INSTRUCTOR: John McCuan, 209 Skiles
Office Hours: TTh 2:00-4:45
Email: mccuangt23
Course Page:
Equilibrium Capillary Surfaces, Robert Finn,
Springer (1986)
Draft Notes:
Mathematical Capillarity, John McCuan
Previous Draft Notes:
Mathematical Capillarity, John McCuan
Topics/Sections Covered:
Equations of Young and Laplace
Axially symmetric capillary surfaces
2-D capillary equation(s); Euler elastica
Calculus of Variations (the method of Gauss)
Floating objects
Course Schedule
Other Materials:
A matrix result relevant to the maximum principle
by Jacob Subosits
Parametric mollification
draft by John McCuan
Final Exam Wedneday December 11 (2:40-5:30)
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