
MATH 2413

This page gives descriptions of projects for students in 2413. Some of them require reading and in class presentation. Others require activities in the ACE Lab. All projects require written reports.

1. Mass-spring system
Roger Lee

2. Runge-Kutta Methods: Read Section 7.3 and lecture to the class.
Alan Fay, Eric Rahm

3. Hanging chain
Greg Leigh, Craig Leonberg, Paul Rogers, Kathleen Deloughery

4. Lab 1.1 (harvesting) Lecture and report.
Anna Ivester, Udbahv Sharma

5. Lab 1.4 (growing mold) This could be done at home or in the lab.
Steven Paul

6. Lab 1.3 (US population) Lecture and report.
Karthik Balakrishnan, Sajid Saleem

7. Catenoids
Jeff Cantin, Blythe Towal, Ryan Smith

8. Pressure in a Soap Bubble
Roberto Lopez

9. Plateau's Rotating Drops
Vidit Nanda, Alex Birdwell, Robert Pruvenok

10. Rayleigh-Benard Convextion

11. Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Section 4.5) Lecture and report.
Alper Akanser

12. Lab 3.2 or 4.1 RLC Circuits
Zlatan Ceric

13. Spinning cylinder of liquid
Jeffrey Elms

14. Harmonic oscillator with magnetic restoring force
Sergey Timofeev, Alexey Turischev