Where to go. What to do.

INSTRUCTOR: John McCuan (mccuan@math.gatech.edu)
265 Skiles
TA: Jose Sanchez (Sanchez@math.gatech.edu)
154 Skiles

Registration, Student Services, etc.

Class time: MWF 12:05-12:55PM, 169 Skiles

Office hours: MWF 11:00-12:00PM or by appointment

Grading Policy:

1. You must have at least a 70% homework average to pass the course.

2. Unless specifically noted Homework will be collected in the recitation following that in which you may ask questions about it. (See the homework page.)

3. Any quizzes will have the effect of adding points on the next exam grade.

Course grade calculated according to the formula

25%(homework average) + 35%(exam average) + 40%(project)

Midterms and Final Exam Dates
Midterms Friday Oct 5, Monday-Friday Nov 5-9, ?
Final Monday, December 10, 2001, 2:50-5:40

Spring Semester 2000 Calendar
Monday, August 20 Classes begin
Monday, September 3 Holiday
Friday, September 28 last day to DROP
Monday-Tuesday, October 15--16 Fall Break (not as big as Spring break)
Thursday-Friday, November 22--23 Holiday
Friday, December 7 Classes end
Monday-Friday, December 10--14 Final exam period